Women’s College Hospital Foundation

The Women’s College Hospital Foundation supports Women’s College Hospital in providing patients and their families with compassionate, high-quality care. Over the last few years Women’s College Hospital has been working on a redevelopment project that involved the construction of a new 630,000 square foot hospital on the hospital’s current Grenville Street site in downtown Toronto.


WCHF needed a brand new responsive website in order to better showcase the positive impact the hospital has on the community and to raise funds to help deliver the highest-quality care. The primary focus of the website is to drive donations via a persistent donation button located on the right side of the top menu. The site design is driven by the architecture of the new WCHF building. The iconic “pink cube” is referenced throughout the site and used specifically as a rollover treatment for the inspiring stories that demonstrate the positive impact Women’s College Hospital is having on their community.

Art Director: Kamilla Nikolaev